🗃️ Chat
3 items
📄️ Text Completion
📄️ Embeddings
Quick Start
🗃️ Image
2 items
🗃️ Audio
2 items
🗃️ Pass-through Endpoints (Anthropic SDK, etc.)
10 items
📄️ Rerank
LiteLLM Follows the cohere api request / response for the rerank api
📄️ Assistants API
Covers Threads, Messages, Assistants.
📄️ Files API
Files are used to upload documents that can be used with features like Assistants, Fine-tuning, and Batch API.
📄️ [BETA] Batches API
Covers Batches, Files
📄️ Realtime Endpoints
Use this to loadbalance across Azure + OpenAI.
📄️ [Beta] Fine-tuning API
This is an Enterprise only endpoint Get Started with Enterprise here
📄️ Moderation